منتديات كأس العالم البرازيل 2014 - World Cup 2014 Brazil
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منتديات كأس العالم البرازيل 2014 - World Cup 2014 Brazil

اخبار البرازيل 2014 اخبار كأس العالم يونويو 2014 جوان 2014 اخبار الدول المشاركة في كاس العالم اخبار المنتخب الجزائر القنوات المجانية الناقلة لمباريات كأس العالم البث المباشر لمباريات كأس العالم 2014 مواعيد مباريات كأس العالم
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 2014 World Cup .. Klinsmann Donovan excluded from the final squad United States

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 132
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/05/2014

2014 World Cup .. Klinsmann Donovan excluded from the final squad United States Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: 2014 World Cup .. Klinsmann Donovan excluded from the final squad United States   2014 World Cup .. Klinsmann Donovan excluded from the final squad United States Emptyالإثنين مايو 26, 2014 11:43 am

2014 World Cup .. Klinsmann Donovan excluded from the final squad United States
Announced the team's German coach Jurgen Klinsmann, the U.S. squad for the final World Cup in Brazil in 2014 , which saw the exclusion of veteran striker Landon Donovan .

The campus of the Los Angeles Galaxy striker , aged 32 years , of the fight in the World Cup finals for the fourth time after 2002 and the years 2006 and 2010 .

Previously, Donovan , the owner of the record number of goals with his national team ( 57 goals in 156 games) , that hinted at the beginning of this week to the possibility of not waging finals Brazil .

Klinsmann picked in the squad of 23 players , all of Josie Altidore ( Sunderland , England) and Clint Dempsey (Seattle ) and Aaron Johanson ( AZ Alkmaar ) line provided along with Chris Wondolowski (San Jose ) that the bounty on the German coach Donovan .

Klinsmann and kept on promising star in Bayern Munich Julian Green ( 18 ) after he was summoned to the initial composition , which was originally ruled out by DC United striker Johnson Valley .

Have been drawn American team in Group G along with Germany , Ghana and Portugal , and will play three warm-up matches against Azerbaijan on May 27 / May the state of San Francisco , and Turkey in the first of June in New Jersey , and Nigeria in the seventh him in Florida .
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2014 World Cup .. Klinsmann Donovan excluded from the final squad United States
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منتديات كأس العالم البرازيل 2014 - World Cup 2014 Brazil :: اخبار عن الدول المشاركة في كأس العالم 2014 :: المجموعة G في كأس العالم 2014 - Group G in the 2014 World Cup-
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