منتديات كأس العالم البرازيل 2014 - World Cup 2014 Brazil
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منتديات كأس العالم البرازيل 2014 - World Cup 2014 Brazil

اخبار البرازيل 2014 اخبار كأس العالم يونويو 2014 جوان 2014 اخبار الدول المشاركة في كاس العالم اخبار المنتخب الجزائر القنوات المجانية الناقلة لمباريات كأس العالم البث المباشر لمباريات كأس العالم 2014 مواعيد مباريات كأس العالم
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 Ghana's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line for Ghana, which will go to Brazil Omendiall

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المساهمات : 132
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/05/2014

Ghana's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line for Ghana, which will go to Brazil Omendiall Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Ghana's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line for Ghana, which will go to Brazil Omendiall   Ghana's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line for Ghana, which will go to Brazil Omendiall Emptyالإثنين مايو 26, 2014 11:51 am

Ghana's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line for Ghana, which will go to Brazil Omendiall

Disclosed Ghana coach Kwesi Appiah for the initial selection of the Black Stars team consisting of 26 players to participate in the World Cup Brazil soccer .

Ghana will play in Group G at the World Cup with Germany , Portugal and the United States .

Came Ghanaian squad is as follows:

Goalkeepers : Adam Larsen Quarasa ( Stomhgodst Norwegian ) and Vattao Dauda ( Orlando Pirates of South Africa ) and Stephen Adams ( Aduana Stars ) .

Defenders: Samuel Inkoom ( Platanias , Greece) , Daniel Opare ( Standard Liege , Belgium) and Harrison fading ( Esperance ) and Jeffrey Chlob ( Leicester , England) and John Puye ( Rennes , France), Jonathan Mensah ( Evian , France), Rashid Somaala ( Sundowns, South Africa ) and Jerry Akamenko ( Spore Eskisehir , Turkey) .

Midfielders: Michael Essien and Sulley Ali Muntari ( Milan) and Rabieo Muhammad ( Kuban Krasnodar Russian ) and Kwadwo Asamoah ( Juventus ) , Emmanuel Ajemanj Badu ( Udinese ) and Avrier Aquah ( Parma , Italy), and Andre Iyo ( Marseille , France), Mubarak and Acasso ( Rubin Kazan, Russia ) and Christian Atsuo Twasam ( Vitesse , Netherlands) and Albert Adomah ( Middlesbrough , England) and David Titi wakame ( Swedish Helsingborg ) .

Attackers : Asamoah Gyan ( Al Ain UAE ) and Kevin -Prince Boateng ( Milan ) and Abdul Majeed Waris ( Valenciennes , France), Jordan Iyo ( Sochaux ) .
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Ghana's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line for Ghana, which will go to Brazil Omendiall
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