منتديات كأس العالم البرازيل 2014 - World Cup 2014 Brazil
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منتديات كأس العالم البرازيل 2014 - World Cup 2014 Brazil

اخبار البرازيل 2014 اخبار كأس العالم يونويو 2014 جوان 2014 اخبار الدول المشاركة في كاس العالم اخبار المنتخب الجزائر القنوات المجانية الناقلة لمباريات كأس العالم البث المباشر لمباريات كأس العالم 2014 مواعيد مباريات كأس العالم
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 Brazil's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line that will play in the World Cup in Brazil

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المساهمات : 132
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/05/2014

Brazil's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line that will play in the World Cup in Brazil Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Brazil's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line that will play in the World Cup in Brazil   Brazil's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line that will play in the World Cup in Brazil Emptyالإثنين مايو 26, 2014 12:01 pm

Brazil's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line that will play in the World Cup in Brazil
Detection Brazil coach Luiz Felipe Scolari for the initial lineup for the Brazil national team is made up of 23 players for the World Cup football in Brazil next month.

Scolari has chosen the Goalkeepers: Julio Cesar ( Toronto ), Jefferson ( Botafogo ), Victor ( Atletico Mineiro ) .

With Scolari chose to defend : Marcelo (# _ Real Madrid), Daniel Alves (# Barcelona), Maicon ( Rome ) Maxwell and Thiago Silva ( Paris St Germain ) , David Luiz ( Chelsea), Dante (Bayern Munich), Enrique ( Naples ) .

As chose midfielders : Paulinho (Tottenham ) and Oalaan Ramirez and Oscar ( Chelsea), Hernanes ( Inter Milan ) Luis Gustavo ( Wolfsburg ) Fernanandinao ( Manchester City) .

The attackers are: Bernard ( Shakhtar Donetsk ) Neymar (# Barcelona ) Fred ( Fluminense ) Joe ( Atletico Mineiro ) and Hulk ( Zenit St Petersburg) .
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Brazil's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line that will play in the World Cup in Brazil
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