منتديات كأس العالم البرازيل 2014 - World Cup 2014 Brazil
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منتديات كأس العالم البرازيل 2014 - World Cup 2014 Brazil

اخبار البرازيل 2014 اخبار كأس العالم يونويو 2014 جوان 2014 اخبار الدول المشاركة في كاس العالم اخبار المنتخب الجزائر القنوات المجانية الناقلة لمباريات كأس العالم البث المباشر لمباريات كأس العالم 2014 مواعيد مباريات كأس العالم
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 Switzerland's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line of the Swiss team that will go to the World Cup in Brazil

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 132
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/05/2014

Switzerland's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line of the Swiss team that will go to the World Cup in Brazil Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Switzerland's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line of the Swiss team that will go to the World Cup in Brazil   Switzerland's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line of the Swiss team that will go to the World Cup in Brazil Emptyالإثنين مايو 26, 2014 11:30 am

Announced the team's German coach Ottmar Hitzfeld, the Swiss squad on Tuesday, the final

For World Cup 2014 Brazil .

Deserted the squad which Staazarha other seven players in the event that one of the 23 players

Injury , surprises and will adopt Histfeld on a group of players, tournaments Italy and Germany

Like Fallon Bahrami and Blairimi Dzemaili and Gokhan Aanlr ( all of whom are defending the colors of Naples ) and Steffen

For Ikhsteiner ( Juventus ) and Kzerdan Shaqiri (Bayern Munich ) .

Play Switzerland , which came out of the first round of the World Cup in South Africa in 2010 , in the finals of Brazil

Group E along with France , Honduras and Ecuador .

- Combination:

Goalkeepers : Diego Banalao ( Wolfsburg , Germany) , and Roman Burki ( Grasshopper ) ,

Yan Sommer ( Basel )

Defenders: Steve Von Bergen ( Young Boys ) , and Johan Djourou ( Hamburg , Germany) , and Michael Lang

( Grasshopper Zurich ) , and Steffen for Ikhsteiner ( Juventus ) , Ricardo Rodriguez ( Wolfsburg

German ) , and Fabian char ( Basel ) , and Philip Sandiors ( Valencia ) ,

Reto Ziegler ( Sassuolo , Italy)

Midfielders: Trankeo Barnetta ( Eintracht Frankfurt ) , and Fallon Bahrami and Blairam Dzemaili

And Gokhan Aanlr ( Napoli ) , and Kzerdan Shaqiri ( Bayern Munich ) ,

And Valentin Stocker ( Basel )

Forwards: Josip Drmich ( Nuremberg , Germany) , Mario Gavranovic (Zurich ) , and Admir Manmda

( Freiburg , Germany) , and Harris Seferovič ( Real Sociedad , Spain) , and Granite Kzaka ( Borussia

Monchengadblakh German )

- A list of reserve:
Marvin HITS ( Augsburg , Germany) , and Tim Klose ( Wolfsburg , Germany) , and Sylvain and destroys ( Udinese ) , and Erin Derdiyok ( Bayer Leverkusen ) , and Fabian Frei ( Basel ) , and Pajtim Kasami ( Fulham , England) , and Pirmin Schwegler ( Eintracht Frankfurt ) .
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Switzerland's squad at the 2014 World Cup - the official line of the Swiss team that will go to the World Cup in Brazil
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